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200 million copies celebratory artboard – Say you want to live!

200 million copies celebratory manga artboard -SouthBlue-Thumbnail

200 million copies celebratory artboard – Say you want to live! A campaign to celebrate the circulation of over 200 million copies of One Piece in 2011 – Vivre’s treasure 2 [Manga artboard illustrations of famous scenes] South Blue. Only 2000 copies of the manga artboards were printed, and this is number 485 of the batch. This scene is from chapter 398 “Declaration of War”, where Luffy tries to save Robin and shouts to her “Robin!!! I still haven’t heard it from your mouth. Say you want to live!!!!” ONE PIECE 2億冊突破記念キャンペーン ビブルの秘宝2「名シーン複製原稿」サウスブルー ワンピース 2億冊突破キャンペーン当選品 ビブルの秘宝「名シーン複製原稿」(2011年)。2000個限定で、シリアルナンバーは、485 です。 第398話『宣戦布告』の複製原画。ロビンを救うためルフィは叫んだ!「ロビン!!! まだお前の口から聞いてねェ 『生きたい』と、言えェ!!!!」

Volume 73 mini manga artboards


Volume 73 mini manga artboards To celebrate the circulation of over 300 million copies of One Piece, mini manga artboard illustrations were given away as gifts with the purchase of Volume 73. The non-sale mini manga artboards are replicas of 10 scenes selected by One Piece readers. The illustration on the back  is an original drawing of the Straw Hat Pirates, with a message of Thanks from Oda sensei. Artboard scenes: – Volume 1 , Chapter 1 – ROMANCE DAWN – The Dawn of the Adventure P50, P51 – Volume 23, Chapter 216 – Vivi’s Adventure P226, P227 – Volume 44, Chapter 430- Falling Snow of Reminiscence P224, P225 – Volume 50, Chapter …
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Manga Artboard Replicas

Manga Artboard

Manga Artboard Replicas A set of 3 One Piece Manga artboard replicas. The print details include the frame borders and rough pencil outlines. All prints are A3 size. A – Scene when Luffy thought he lost everything, and remembered he still had his ‘Nakamas’. B –  Scene with the Straw Hat Pirates at the Fishman Island. C – Punk Hazard scene with Luffy, Law and Smoker. ONE PIECE 複製原稿3枚です。原稿用紙の枠線や下書きまで、原稿のディティールを徹底的に再現。 全てA3サイズです。 A – 全てを失ったと思っていたルフィが自分の仲間を思い出す感動の名場面 B – 麦わらの一味が勢揃いの“魚人島編” C – ルフィ・ロー・スモーカーが揃い踏みの“パンクハザード編”

One Piece Romance Dawn – Perfect Replica

One Piece Romance Dawn

One Piece Romance Dawn – Perfect Replica The One Piece Act 1. Romance Dawn Perfect Replica (published Aug 4, 2011) is a box set of reproductions of the original manga art boards that Eiichiro Oda drew for the first chapter of One Piece. The box set contains 16 full color and 37  black and white replicated manga art boards in their original B4 size. The reverse side of the page is also printed to reveal ink that has seeped through to give a more authentic feel. Eiichiro Oda’s handwriting for the dialogue and instructions can also be seen. ONE PIECE 第1話複製原稿BOX ROMANCE DAWN -冒険の夜明け- (発売日2011/8/4) ONE PIECE 第1話の原稿を超美麗印刷で再現した複製原画本。カラー原稿16枚、モノクロ原稿37枚、合計53枚です。原寸大のB4サイズ ・カラー原稿裏面のにじみもリアルに再現。下書き指示の青鉛筆跡もそのままに。 Looking …
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Wanted! – Romance Dawn


Wanted! – Romance Dawn 『ONE PIECE』のプロトタイプとなった作品です。「ROMANCE DAWN」の題名で描かれた作品は『WANTED!』収録作より以前にもあり、こちらは『ONE PIECE RED』に収録されている『週刊少年ジャンプ』1996年Summer Special掲載。いずれも『ONE PIECE』とは設定が若干異なっており世界設定を共有してはいないが、主人公ルフィが食べると特殊な能力のつく木の実を食べてゴム人間となっている設定は既に両読切で固まっている。 『週刊少年ジャンプ』1996年41号掲載。『WANTED!』に収録。尾田が『るろうに剣心 -明治剣客浪漫譚-』のアシスタントをしていた時期に描かれた作品。 English Translation This short story was a prototype for One Piece. The story titled “Romance Dawn”  was included in “WANTED!” a collection of short stories, and before that in the Summer Special Edition of Shonen Jump in 1996 (this was later included in the One Piece Red collection). Each version of “Romance Dawn” was set differently from the One Piece story, in a different world, however the scene where the main character, Luffy eats the fruit that gives special abilities and becomes a rubber human was kept the same in both stories. The ‘WANTED!’ version of was …
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One Piece Manga vol 1000

One Piece Manga vol 1000

One Piece Manga vol 1000 This is the limited edition Vol. 1000, which was given out at movie theaters to those who bought tickets to watch the movie in Japan. The 84 page Vol. 1000 contains 3 chapters. THE WORLD OF FILM Z – story outline about FILM Z EIICHIRO ODA PRESENTS FILM Z DESIGN WORKS – rough character drawings with descriptions CHRONICLE OF Z – Story about Zephr ワンピース千巻は「ONE PIECE FILM Z]を上映する劇場で入場者プレセントとして配布されました。 84ページの千巻のコンテンツには3つのチャプターがあります。 THE WORLD OF FILM Z – 「ONE PIECE FILM Z」の映画設定画と物語 EIICHIRO ODA PRESENTS FILM Z DESIGN WORKS –  キャラクターの設定画集 CHRONICLE OF Z – ゼファー先生の物語 Looking for One Piece Manga vol. 1000?